(no subject)

May 05, 2006 07:04

Well, it's finally happened. Miss Burdett has inspired me to go on a diet. I guess it wasn't all her. It could be the customers that once a week ask me IF I KNOW WHAT IM HAVING or HOW FAR ALONG AM I or WHEN AM I DUE....What the fuck? I know I can't really look that pregnant? That's so depressing...ESPECIALLY SINCE IM NOT PREGNANT!! This girl last night came in with a plan B prescription and I told her we'd get it ready for her...she went and got ice cream and I was like "yum, TCBY" and she's like "oh yeah i should have got you some girl I forgot you was havin a baby!!" I wanted to die. I want to die right now remembering. The she asked if I knew what I was having and I said I wasn't. She was like Oh Im sorry girl. :( Anyway.

So I decided this must stop. I must lose this weight. Obviously since more and more people are asking the question...I must be looking more and more pregnant. I'm on my period though so I mean...I hope it's not faking me out and I really am pregnant!

So anyway I've decided to go on a diet/exercise plan. I really feel like this time it will work. I will not fail. I can't anymore.

I'm not eating out anymore. I'm only going to drink soda with lunch and dinner. I'm going to make sure I eat breakfast every morning. I bought an assload of Lean Cuisines yesterday (they were on sale 10 for 15 bucks) so I'm going to eat at least one of those a day. As for snacks...applesauce, small bowl of cereal, fruit, crackers and cheese, string cheese, cheese cubes, yogurt, etc.. I'm going to start going back to the gym every day doing the circuit thing and starting SLOWLY on the elliptical. 5 min of warmup on the treadmill and 5 min on the elliptical and adding 2.5 min every week...Because I try to do it longer and I really get myself down because I have no endurance at all.. basically I have not exercised much at all since my freshman year in highschool when I had Personal Fitness! I bought some Crystal Light (flavored water) and plan on drinking that and regular bottled water more often. I'm aiming for 1200 calories a day. Actually, that IS the limit. At least until I see some results. I'm going to be keeping a food/exercise journal and start taking my vitamins again...and most important, work on getting all my food groups in every day!

That's a lot of rules..But I need a lot of them. Anyway..just wanted to update...No one does anymore so I thought if I did that someone else might lol...See ya'll!
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