Usually, one can usually be labelled "anorexic" if it's after 3 months of restricting/fasting/guilty eating/whatever. If you're more "junk food phobic" or "health/exercised obsessed", you might fall under the category of orthorexic, which falls under the category of ED-NOS (eating disorder not otherwise speceified). Basically, ED-NOS is any eating disorder that ISN'T anorexia, bulimia, or compulsive over-eating.
There is also a difference between having an eating disorder, and having "disordered eating".
If you are interested in what accounts for anorexia and what doesn't, do check out this diagnostic link:
(They also have descriptions of orthorexia and other ED-NOS-related disorders).
I went thru a lot of the same things you're going through right now, except I didn't go through treatment for anorexia. Pressure from my family and friends is what caused me to begin bingeing and purging, as well as taking Paxil which greatly increased my appetite.
I am SO here for you. I have been there, done that and got the t-shirt. Just give it some time...and don't rush to diagnose yourself.
I'm not anorexic, hence why I put it in quotations I simply couldn't think of a better term. I tried to make myself eat today but when I try to take a bite of food, it just repulses me and I instantly lose my appetite. :(
Yeah it's weird...I was never 100% diagnosed with anorexia but I also felt orthorexic during those times. So would I be orthanorexic? Ha. Perhaps you might be getting a flu or something, and the appetite loss is temporary.
It isn't the flu... I've been like this for a few weeks now and it isn't changing. I dunno :( I don't really feel too concerned about it, but everyone around me is so I figured I'd make an entry.
There is also a difference between having an eating disorder, and having "disordered eating".
If you are interested in what accounts for anorexia and what doesn't, do check out this diagnostic link:
(They also have descriptions of orthorexia and other ED-NOS-related disorders).
I went thru a lot of the same things you're going through right now, except I didn't go through treatment for anorexia. Pressure from my family and friends is what caused me to begin bingeing and purging, as well as taking Paxil which greatly increased my appetite.
I am SO here for you. I have been there, done that and got the t-shirt. Just give it some time...and don't rush to diagnose yourself.
I'm not anorexic, hence why I put it in quotations I simply couldn't think of a better term. I tried to make myself eat today but when I try to take a bite of food, it just repulses me and I instantly lose my appetite. :(
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