Nov 21, 2007 00:17
I'm prescribing myself an entry to the Live Journal. What ever could bloom from this stream of consciousness?
You never know exactly what traumas manage to install a glitch into one's psyche. The same experience that is processed and passed through by some can penetrate deeply, leaving emotional scars for another. So whatever hang-ups or flaws manifest in a person, you can't for certain know to what degree their mind has fragmented and compartmentalized.
I'll forever hold the words with the softness and innocence of their utterance. My dad spent his last day, Thursday, greeting his transition from the confines of his ravaged physical body into the luminescense of spirit with wonder and grace. As I watched him go through this process I asked him if he was learning to see with his eyes closed. He said, yes he could. The inquisitive expressions on his face lead me to ask if it was hard to recognize people he was seeing without their bodies. He said it was.
That energy and memory of time before time is intrinsic and has always been within each person. Through teachings and indoctrinations of fear and dependence, humanity has turned over too much of her will.She has to remember the lineage she is entitled to. The connection to that lineage is direct and requires only to be remembered, claimed and met with compassion.
My dad met death by becoming full of eternal life.