As Karen Carpenter Once Sang, "Where Do I Begin.......?"

Oct 29, 2004 15:02

To Slickgothgurl, I believe that God paved the way for every President we've ever had....even Bill Clinton. Read the writings of our forefathers, the ones that established this country, they mention God regularly. The House and Senate open with prayer, as (I believe) does the Supreme Court. If Kerry is elected, he'll place his hand on a Bible to swear the oath.....I believe it is all part of a Divine plan.

I'm not sure what (Bush) lies you're referring to but if it's the intelligence supplied by the CIA and Great Britain, I'll address that. Clinton denuded our intelligence agencies. They outlawed double agents and any real "spy" infrastructure that we had to appease the U.N., so yes, some of the data was probably false but Bush did not know that (and neither did Kerry, who initially supported the war, then didn't)....but Saddam brought it on himself. Had he allowed the weapons inspectors in to complete their jobs (and had he not tried to assassinate Bush, Sr.), the U.N. wouldn't have issued sanctions against him and he just might still be in power.

Bush served in the Air National Guard and was honorably discharged, as did about 20 or so of my friends. I was number 277 in the draft. Neither of us cheated. Kerry, on the other hand, served, then betrayed the men he served with, calling them "baby killers"....What do you think war is? Bush didn't fly the planes into the World Trade Center....terrorists did....and Bush is rightfully taking the war to them. It's funny...Democrats deify JFK and he's the one that got us into Viet Nam to begin with.

Women's rights....My wife has made more money during the Bush Presidency than she's ever made (being an office manager for physicians). When we married in 1972, my wife had never ovulated. Never. I was an uber-liberal rock & roller who believed in "Zero Population Growth", legalized drugs, "Turn on, Tune in and Drop out"....My band played for liberal candidates and at one time, toured with the McGovern crew. Then, we were visited by some of the party hierarchy. In a casual conversation with a fellow from the DNC, I asked him who he'd like to share a joint with, dead or alive. He said, "Karl Marx". I asked why and he said (pretty much verbatim) that "Marx embodied to liberal, socialist society that everyone in the Democratic party was working toward" and that he'd love to get his strategy how to "conquer America".....I was dumbfounded. So, needless to say, I swapped sides. My wife became miraculously pregnant (we'd had a friend abort and she became a mental wreck from the guilt) and we decided that we could share our lives with a kid, so we had Eric.... 29, smart, rational and also a conservative (much to my surprise). My wife has thrived under Nixon, Reagan and the Bush's administrations.
I think the only abortion method that may be outlawed is partial birth abortion. That's where the baby is carried to full term, turned breach (which is the REAL danger in child birth), then the body is delivered with the head left in the canal and the child is killed by forceps through the base of the skull. If the child is taken from the birth canal, why not fully deliver it? How can that procedure "save" the mother? My mom worked for the united way during the 50's and 60's....she quit as soon as they started supporting abortion. She said it was murder.

As far as the war on terror goes, I'm sure you'll change your tune when funding for homeland security is cut back and a few of your city busses go up in smoke. Ask the Spanish...or the Israelis...or the Russians. As far as drug research goes, we'd all like to see those diseases eradicated but what did Clinton do about it? He had eight years.

I believe in equal pay for women....Bush has women working for him, ask them if he pays well. I hear you complain about Bush and MEN but did you know that there is a HUGE ground-swell of anti-abortion support among women?

To Simmeringbrain:

Clinton signed NAFTA into being. It's HIS baby. Jobs are overseas because of him....not Bush.
Clinton was an out and out coward. The Cole was attacked and he did NOTHING....and his people KNEW it was Bin Laden, knew where he was and Clinton did nothing.

We were attacked on 9/11....did you guys get the news down there? (Sorry, couldn't pass that one up). The economy would've tanked no matter who was President. Kerry may get his chance, so we'll see what he does. By the way, Heinz has factories all over the world....if Kerry is such a defender of the poor and down-trodden, why doesn't he tell his wife to close those centers and move them back to America? between you and I, I think Tereza (sic) will be absolutely frightening as a first lady.....

I've been a bit flippant....mainly because I've had to deflect what seems to be a rampant hate....not just of Bush but of me because I choose to base my life (and my vote) on what I feel is right. That's sad, when liberals are supposed to be so tolerant. As bad a President as I thought Clinton was, I never expressed hatred for spiritual side can't allow me to hate. Anyway, I knew that after Clinton was caught playing "hide the cigar", he'd do more to destroy his party than Republicans ever could.....and I was right. I'll vote for Bush (just as my wife, my son and every neighbor around me for miles, judging from the yard signs) and hope for the best. No matter who "wins", I'm sure that the results won't be known for months, allowing for all of the lawsuits and recounts. I just hope that soon we can get back to our day-to-day entries....laughing at our escapades and nurturing through our mishaps.
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