Headache rant...do not go any further unless you want to hear some serious whining

Aug 29, 2002 20:38

If you don't feel like reading about my headache, please don't go any further, I rarely whine about my health, even though it is not the best. This is just my way of blowing off some worry and frustration about the whole thing.

I get really bad headaches sometimes. They are not typical migraines, but may be "cluster" headaches or something else. Sometimes just two Orudis (ketoprophen) will kill them, sometimes two Ultram/tramadol (normally for my fibromyalgia pain) will do it, sometimes I have to take two Orudis and TWO Ultram to kill it. Well normally that last pain killer cocktail kicks the headache and makes it beg for mercy.

The headache I had today was so bad that even after I took two Orudis and two Ultram, they didn't work two hours (they are supposed to work for 4-6 hours so if they aren't working by two there is a problem)later. So, in desperation, I took two Extra Strength Excedrin for Migraines (caffeine--this is the "special ingredient" for migrianes--haha--and aspirin and something else is what this particular over-the-counter drug is made up of) and ate some flat bread with honey-mustard chicken and a huge glass of water. Finally the drugs started to kick in about half an hour ago and except for a really tense neck (this due to the headache...it didn't start with neck or muscular tension) I'm starting to feel better.

I'm starting to get worried about the frequency of these headaches. They are getting worse and I'm having them more often. I guess when I see my doctor for my yearly check up in September/October I'll ask him if there is a different pain killer for really bad headaches. I thought the Ultram (tramadol) would be enough, but obviously it is not as it doesn't work on all the headaches all the time, although until today it seemed to work with OK as long as I took the Orudis with the Ultram for the WORST of the headaches.

These are not sinus headaches because when I get them it starts in my sinuses and then spreads into a headache--those headaches are bad, but I know if I relieve the sinus pressure and then take a pain killer I'll be fine in half an hour or so.

The type of headache I had today, and which are the worse kind for me, hurt all over my skull and my eyes get really sensitive to light and sound bothers me. Sometimes just closing my eyes and listening to Brahms or really soothing ambient or new age music (like Enya or something along those lines) will help me relax so the medicine works more quickly, sometimes, like today, doing those things didn't do squat.

I've been checked for eye strain and that is not it either.

I hope they have a pain killer for these kind of headaches that doesn't mess with my driving or working (like narcotics would, which is why I don't take narcotics for my fibromyalgia even when the pain is bad...because they work great on the pain, but make me feel dopey and super lazy and to drive on them would be dangerous).

Ultram/Tramadol is cool because it works on your nerves like a narcotic painkiller, but it is NOT a narcotic (nor is it addictive) and doesn't make you feel all whacked out. It doesn't work well on everyone, but it worked great for me, and still does except on this one type of headache.

Maybe it is some kind of headache set off by hormones or something, then I wouldn't really be able to find a "cure" for it (yeah maybe in 20 years or so when I go through menopause), but at least I'd know what it was and wouldn't start worrying about something more insidious causing the headaches.

Anyway, I'm starting to feel somewhat better now, which is good because I have to call my sis in about 20 minutes. She wants/needs to talk about some serious problems she is having with her husband (and which they are getting couples therapy for, but she just wants to vent to a sympathetic ear). I don't think I could take this type of conversation if my head hurt as it bad as it did about an hour ago.

I love being supportive of my sister, but I'm not the most supportive person in the world if I'm super tired, in pain, or my blood sugar is crashing. She rarely asks to talk to me about such things so I really wanted to "be there" for her tonight.

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