Yule ritual write up

Feb 02, 2011 15:35

And for completeness, here is my Yule write up.

-performed MJD's Sulis solitary rite as found on website
-offered silver to well, incense to fire and beer to Gods, Ancestors and Nature Spirits.
-also used some of the beer for the drink

-placed wand upright in handles of dresser as the Tree
-used whiskey glass as well
-played PRN in background, seemed to help create atmosphere
-Was easier this time. the rite flowed better. I kneeled on a pillow in front of the altar so I was at the same height. this made me more comfortable during the rite and helped me feel more involved. also the numbing of my legs below the knee helped me focus.
-the offerings felt more accepted then at Samhain. this might be because of the general feeling I had of being more part of the rite because of the kneeling part. I will use this in more rites as it worked for me rather well.
-I am still unsure about the Outdwellers part but MJD's approach to them in this rite made a bit more sense to me then other approaches I have seen. I placed a dime on the window sill as a token for them. I am unsure if I should dispose of the dime or not. I did not after Samhain rite and indeed in this rite I used the same dime. I am unsure about this, but it did not seem to harm the ritual.

-used runes
-first drawn Othala
-second drawn Fehu
-third drawn Ingwaz
-together, these seem to me to be a good omen. Kin, body, mind and spirit, prosperity fertility and creative power in it's masculine form.

I am still getting used to the idea of sacriface. Also, my rune work needs improving, as I still need the book for interpetation. Overall, I think this was a successful ritual for me.

dedicants program, adf, yule

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