I haven't written in awhile. I've really just been a zombie lately. No feelings, just doing what I have to do. I haven't had time for anything else in my life but classes. It sucks, but at the same time, I've enjoyed just being numb to the world. It's catching up with me now, though. Spring break has encouraged me to sit around on my ass, do nothing, and think about my life. I don't want to think about my life, haha, it almost makes me depressed! I guess I'm not doing too bad, but I still feel sometimes that I could do so much more for my life. I hate taking things for granted, and I've been taking a lot for granted.
I want to go to a concert. I haven't been to one in a long time. I don't even care who it is, I just want to go.
I want to stop watching so much TV, sit down, and read a book.
I want to go on vacation with my friends.
I want to be independent.
I want to bitch out my mom.
I want to travel and live a lot of different places.
I want to fall in love again.
[Random thought. What kind of outdoor activity do people do in Alaska during winter. I was wondering this recently, cause it's completely dark! Wouldn't it be weird to see little kids playing on the play ground in the pitch black and it was afternoon. It would also be equally as weird to go to a party in the summer, get wasted and when you leave it's still bright as day out. Man I think I want to live in Alaska for a year just to experience this.]
I have learned not to worry as much. Maybe it's cause I'm not living with my mom anymore. But I remember I used to worry about every little thing. I was paranoid. and it took over my life. I had anxiety. I'm proud to say I'm more laid back. although sometimes I think there are some things I don't worry about and I should.
I found this video the other day, I thought it was really
So I woke up at 1:30 today. Took a shower. Got dressed, put on make up, put on jewelry. Dried my hair. Then I got in my bed with my computer. I haven't moved since. It's been like 3 hours. Eh, I guess that's what breaks are for? At least I'm dressed and ready if anything came up...hahaha. Alright, Seinfeld is on soon.