Sep 26, 2005 18:09
There is a legend here, a legend which is horribly romantic, in a very unromantic way. The legend, as are most, is based on truth, and I, being inquisitive, found the seed of truth. One girl read a poem in a theater setting and addressed it to her boyfriend, but I doubted the truth of the marriage, so I later found her and asked her to do a jazzhands thing in front of her face, which she willingly did. I pointed out that she had no ring, and she claimed that she didn't wear it much, because it was a ring pop. This had me interested. Since I'd heard the legend and it was recent, I asked if she was the person. So I asked "I've heard about a girl that got engaged due to a rock-paper-scissors match...Is that you?" And, surprisingly, it was. So I had her tell me the story.
Three boys were getting into a car, and two called shotgun. In an attempt to be civil, they decided who would get it by way of a rock-paper-scissors match. After this ending with success, they proceeded to get high where they pontificated about how different things would be if all major decisions were made by way of rock-paper-scissors (Eg. 'Should I have the number 2 or number 4?' One person represents yes or certain option, second represents no or other option). So a fad started. People began asking all types of life-changing questions that week. And it was decided that in ALL of your life, you had one retry. So, nearing the end of the week (fads die), one Jon Levine asked her to marry him. She did a round and it was decided they should marry, she used her retry. After the retry it was clearly destiny, and so friends took the liberty of making a beautiful wedding in ONE WEEK. They even called her parents to tell them "Your daughter is getting married, so you might want to come visit" and such. And at the wedding, the theme was 'Pimps, Whores, and Farm Animals.' One friend even got certified online to administer the ceremony, which was done in the Blackbox. Alas, a teacher had convinced them not to legally marry, as such would deny them from financial aid, but they are married in spirit.
Thought you should know.