Birthday Gift

Apr 21, 2009 14:56

Ok, I was asked by several people about what I wanted for my birthday and I've been trying to think of something and I came up with something that I know is goofy and stupid but I wanted to do this. I don't want any gifts or cards or cake or anything, instead I want those who can and will to go sometime this year and give blood. I never could due to my weight (and I refuse to put on 20+ pounds to be able to.....sorry mom, she always teases me that I need to put on weight and then I can) and I've always felt bad about not being able to. However, I know that not everyone can give blood so for those that can't, I thought about seeing if you would donate a small amount to a charity of your choice (mine would be for animal rescue or something like that) or just to volunteer for a few minutes. Don't feel obligated to do any of this, I just thought this would be a wonderful present.

I hope this made sense...I've lost my caffeine high.... :(
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