(no subject)

Aug 08, 2010 16:25

Okay so, I thought I'd put my older icons that are actually decent up with the ones I've made lately. I have a batch of 18 icons. The first nine are old, but still pretty good, imo. Enjoy, I guess.

[[07-09]]Dir en grey
[[10-18]]Jeffrey Dean Morgan


( Follow the fake cut to the icons~)

Finally got off my lazy butt about it, pretty happy with the results, the way my community looks, everything. :D

I also upgraded to a plus account because I wanted more icon space, even if it uglies up my layout right now a little. may have to find one that completely hides ads, like the one on my comm. :D Or buy a paid account, omg. I'm just dumb enough that I would if I had the cash, and I would roll around in the extra icons. EDIT//thanks fruitstyle for the new layout I'm using, as well as my previous. Doesn't hide the ads in reply mode, but on the surface everything is A+ pretty much. C:


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