Title: Breaking Even Fandom: Final Fantasy V Characters: Faris, Butz Rating: PG-13 Warning: Speech patterns and fun with liberal translations. Say it with me: Butz! Wordcount: 1098 Summary: Faris and Flying Animals Do Not Mix. For owlmoose, for the prompt of "Faris and Flight".
Title: Lady's Choice Fandom: Final Fantasy V Characters: Faris, Reina, Butz, Galuf Rating: PG Warning: - Wordcount: 100 Summary: Faris shares her preferences.
Title: A Pirate's Life Fandom: Legend of the Crystals: Based on Final Fantasy (... the FFV Anime from nigh on ten years ago...) Rating: PG Warning: Somewhat indistinct AU? Wordcount: 100 Summary: Wherein Queen Lenna is really someone familiar...