Title: Heroics
Fandom: Final Fantasy IV
Rating: PG
Summary: Edward vs. The Antlion.
The word is Fear.
There was nothing to fear but the abnormally large West Desert Antlion ready to tear into his person. And Edward was one to fear pretty much anything if it decided it wanted a piece of him.
That he had a defender in one strong and valiant Dark Knight was little comfort - he had more than that when Damcyan was destroyed; he had only survived by Anna’s love and playing dead when the Baronian soldiers passed them by.
So, no. Not even with the added defender in a little girl who could summon up magics and monsters beyond the barest skills he knew. Not at all.
He wanted to be brave and strong. He didn’t want to fight, necessarily, but he did want to help. This was his nation’s Antlion, after all. But... it was big, and it had really nasty looking mandibles. And he felt mostly safe hiding behind his rock.
They were fighting well enough without him anyway. Mostly fighting well without him. They were still standing, mostly due to Rydia’s white magic. Cecil even managed to run the beast through.
It was then that Edward conquered his fears. With a heroic yell, he rushed forward and landed a most impressive blow over the rabid beast’s head, felling it in that one swing. Although it was probably a combination of that and the injuries sustained over the fight that killed it.
“Thanks Edward,” Cecil coughed.
In that moment, Edward felt heroism. The moment before he realized he had just offed the family emblem.