Title: Too Much
Fandom: Legend of Mana
Rating: G
Summary: Niccolo lives the high life.
The word is Gluttony.
It was overindulgence, pure and simple. There was so much, so many colors, contours, beauty in varying interpretations all over.
And he didn’t know what to do with it all.
Niccolo brought a statue from the basement, and put a sculpture in a closet to make room. A painting had to be moved to one corner, so as to be seen, and the carpet... nah, the carpet could stay where it was.
It was too much to take in, and it was all his. In addition to the priceless works of art, there were artifacts and jewelry, masonry and architecture, and even people. It made him feel important and it made his heart happy as could be.
Chumpy didn’t see it, but Chumpy didn’t see anything of value. He could easily have modeled for a statue or charmed his way through reputable business, but instead he went about in baggy clothes getting all dirt filthy.
Good mercenary, though. Good reminder of the days of traveling on the dusty highways under the high sun. Sleeping under the stars in Lumina. Fighting monsters. Making sales.
And he could keep it. Niccolo enjoyed the finer things in life, and the view from the palace.
He didn’t miss his life as a traveling merchant; he didn’t miss it at all.
Not one bit.
... Not even just a little.