All over the place

Mar 20, 2008 21:48

Since Yoh and I have a 9am flight for Korea tomorrow, we have to be at the Nagoya airport at 7am. Since we have to be at the Nagoya airport at 7am, we have to leave the apartment around 4-5am. O_O

So yep, the 3 day trip to Seoul with Yoh is a go, and then comes the "PLEEEEEEASE LET ME BACK INTO JAPAN, PLEEEEASE!" begging of immigration upon return *le sigh* I will still try and have fun and take many pictures of my breif tourism stint in Korea. I'm mostly excited about the food. Yakiniku and Bibimba. I can already hear my stomach crying over the abuse it feels coming on in the form of spicy Korean cuisine. BEWARE TUMMY. I packed Immodium, just incase. SCORE. But yeah, other than random picture taking and spicy bowl movements, I can hopefully buy some clothes for what promises to be a most eviliy humid and hot summer as Japanese summer's tend to be.

So not much news here. Annoyed with the lawyer who my work has handling my visa. It's been about 3 months and he JUST sent in my Certificate of Eligibility (one of the first steps in getting my work visa). What the FUCK?! To my understanding, this could have been done quite a few weeks ago. UGH. So my visa should take abut 2 months NOT starting from when my company actually hired me in JANUARY, but starting, oh, this week *string of curses and swearing that would impress any sailor* EPIC FAIL LAWYER MAN.

Saw "The Golden Compass" (here it's called "Layra something something"). Um...I'm sorry, but I was really bored and falling asleep. I liked the big Ian Mckellen voiced polar bear, but other than that thought it was pretty cheesy and sort of a waste of money *shrug* Never read the book though.

I showed Yoh how to use a computer (he's on par with my mother for computer savvy-ness) and the only thing he's found amusing is Yahoo! mahjong and Mixy. He didn't even know how to turn the computer off properly, or how to use Google (Japanese Google too).

Soooo what else...Oh, today was the first day of spring here, so there was a National Holiday. The temperature has been like +16-19 degrees C which has been AWESOME, but the past 2 days its been raining and cold, but still, I'll take this over -30 any day XD

It has been 3 months since I have had my own space. That means I have been living out of a suitcase since January 1st. This is where I will cut off my "MY KINGDOM FOR MY OWN APARTMENT!" rant of despair. I have retarded lawyer man to thank for this. No visa = no apartment for Nicole *hair pull* But yeah, I had another no-space-get-me-out-of-here freak out where I emptied and re-packed both suitcases and tried everything I could think of to make more room in this closet of a room where two people have essentially been using it as a bedroom, living room and dining room for 3 months, but had little success in acting less crazy.

I find more and more reasons to be happy I found my job in Shizuoka, most recently, the VERY generous holidays. I have 3 main holidays from work each year; about 2 weeks for Golden Week in April-May (When Sher's coming!), 2 weeks in August Summer Holidays (most likely 2 glorious weeks of beach-going since it will be too humid for much else), and 2 weeks Christmas/New Years holidays (which I plan on extending to 3 weeks to spend in, God help me, Regina since I will miss snowy Christmas-es and of course, MY MITHER AND KENDRA-BEAR). Also, each month usually has a long weekend of some sort, and I get a Halloween long weekend! Seriously, Oct. 30-Nov. something (about 4-5 days). HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! Also, I think I get paid for these holidays (I THINK) since I'll get paid a monthly base salary...? But really, who cares? 2 WEEKS AT THE BEACH COME SUMMER! Plus, according to Japanese law, after working 6 months I get 10 paid holidays to use either when I get sick, to take time off, to not take off and get extra pay for, or to use for the next year. AWESOMENESS.

What else...I'm still in love with all the food here and the utter convinience of life here. I CANNOT cook, especially here with the scary gas burners and foreign ingridients, but I can still eat 1.) Healthy, 2.) AWESOMELY, and 3.) Deliciously! This is possible by NON-disgusting conviniece store food (really, the 711's here put Canadian ones to utter shame. EVERY convinence store here has a solid wall for microwavable "TV dinner"-style meals that are all utterly yummy, with many healthy choices too), plus Supermarkets here have hot food sections where they cook food instore for you to take home to eat hot or heat up later. So yeah, I can eat like a normal human being despite the fact that...well, I'm not XP And for cheap too, $3 spent at 711 for a complete supper? *jooooy*

Wow. I really just typed all that about food. Well, who's really surprised? *shrug*

I think I should stop typing to save this from getting more mundane. I think once I am working full-time, with my visa retardedness sorted out and living in my own place with Yoh, I will actually be able to enjoy an appreciate the fact that I'M LIVING IN JAPAN!! XD Also, I should sleep now with the whole 4am wake-up tomorrow T.T
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