Oct 08, 2005 23:23
my life has been upside down.for a while now. it seemed like all we wanted was to come back to texas, because we missed everyone.but then once we come back it's horrible.
From the beginning..?
we come into austin we are here for a week just really beginning to get settled. and we see the people we've been waiting to see, so icall my dad and want to hang out and see him, it had been in may when i saw him last. so i call him wednesday and ask him if we can get together friday and hang out. he says that will be a fantastic idea. so call him friday, he answers "hey,now is not a good time let me call you back" wait around. wait around. He never calls,i continue to call friday through sunday. sunday night i finally get a call, although not the call i'm wanting. it's my step sister 11:30-12 pm saying you have to go to the house (located liberty hill,his house 45 minutes-hour away) dad has a gun and is going to kill himself. you can imagine the shock. my dad is my world, when everything is wrong, he is right. i finally make it to liberty hill, where i pull up to a house full a cops. my dad is sitting on the front curb of his house in cuffs.this was all really intense. the drive to the house the most. i walk up to him and tell him everything is going to be okay, he doens't seem to think so saying "is it" . i can believe he really had a gun.like a gun gun. a gun. i cant imagine having to go there walking in with my dad dead in the backyard. had the cops not arrived as they did, that would have been the case. that night he was taken in for evaluation, two -three days later he was sent to a rehab to get help.it's been over thirty days now, he is out. and the happiest i have seen him in a long time. his wife had cheated on him while she was on a business trip, leading him into this depression and binge drinking. now he is free of her and her awful daughter.thankfully.
then coming to find out chez. and her following through is totally surreal.
i have also just moved out of the house we originally moved into in coming back to texas. i was living with six girls plus me.=7 .that was totally not the smartest idea i have ever done. way way way to much drama. and the house just sucks and wwe really had no say in anything, everything was already the way it was . recap::the other girls not including me and samantha moved into this house in may, in which me and samantha were still in florida.we payed 200 dollars from may to august just to help them out and save our room.well when we do arrive in texas finally. the house sucks. poor ventilation- your hot all the fucking time in there- unless its nice outside.nobody cleans their shit. and i myself, and my girlfriend are clean nazis. it just sucked, so we bounced 3 days before rent was due. they all suck though so dont feel bad for them.ha.now we live at my moms. it's weird living back here.
i love you, your sleeping right now. buti just want you to know you keep me strong and make everything better.