Please check out the letter behind the cut. My dad is a Vietnam Vet, so this is a cause near and dear to me. If you want more info, you can go to This is a very good cause to back. The ACLU is making millions of dollars off of the "attorney's fees" that they are not being charged for. They are trying to take away all the religious emblems that are currently marking veteran's graves. This letter is a form letter for veterans. Please take out the veteran references!!! Thanks to all who will do this or even send it on to your flist!!!
Dear Congressman___________________:
I am sending this to strongly urge you to sign on as a co-sponsor to H.R. 2679, the Public Expression of Religion Act of 2005.
In 1976, Congress determined that in many cases arising under civil rights laws, the citizen who must sue to enforce the law has little or no money with which to hire a lawyer. So Congress legislated the Civil Rights Attorney’s Fees Award Act. This law was designed to encourage individual plaintiffs injured by racial discrimination to seek judicial relief. Knowing civil rights enforcement depended heavily upon private enforcement, fee awards were allowed as a vital remedy for private citizens, if they are to have a meaningful opportunity to challenge unfair policies. Attorney-fee awards, although discretionary with a trial judge, are usually approved for the prevailing party, However, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has twisted this civil rights legislation to achieve results Congress never intended.
I ask you to support this bill and end the outrageous exploitation of the Civil Rights Act by the ACLU in seeking and receiving millions of dollars in judge-ordered, taxpayer-paid attorney fees in Establishment Clause cases. It is the threat of such judge-ordered fees that has terrorized local elected officials into surrendering to the ACLU’s demands to remove religious symbols such as crosses from veterans memorials, city logos, police badges and anywhere where the rich religious heritage of our nation flourishes.
I ask you to place your immediate attention and fullest influence behind efforts to amend Title 42 and to stop the cash flow to the ACLU in its tracks. As a veteran, I fear for the crosses and Stars of David that proudly mark the resting place of heroes at Normandy. Unless the funding rug is pulled out from under the ACLU in these self-enriching cases, nothing is sacrosanct. Nothing will be safe.
More and more of your constituents will soon learn the ACLU adds insult to injury by collecting taxpayer dollars in the process of attacking the moral values and religious heritage of our nation. Rest assured, there is going to be a groundswell of ‘We the People’ united to stop this practice dead in its tracks.
I ask you to “take point” on this along with Rep. John Hostletter and co-sponsor and vote for the Public Expression of Religion Act of 2005, H.R. 2670