Okay, the problem with totally crazy stuff is that, sometimes, it's impossible to tell if it's totally crazy on purpose (aka a parody) or if people really are just this f***ing nuts.
My first instinct, upon seeing this video, was to assume it was the former:
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
but after doing some research (aka futzing around on the Internet for twenty minutes), it
appears that it
might be for
All I can say is, What the actual wtf, crazy Christian right wing? Seriously? I am a card-carrying graduate of Catholic schools, where they quite seriously and solemnly implored teenagers to leave some room for the Holy Spirit when they danced, and never once did anyone suggest that full-frontal hugging was a sin. And, as those who have met me can attest, I have quite the impressive rack. I know what a skeevy boob hug is all about.
I'm already
pretty regularly appalled at the
lengths to which so-called Christians will go in order to demonize teenage sexuality -- and girls' sexuality in particular -- but this is nigh on ridiculous.
Also, what kind of hugs, exactly, are these people giving if they're so worried about "rubbing genitals"? That is some lowdown, dirty small-mindedness right there.
So go out and full-frontal hug a friend -- of the same or opposite sex -- today. Viva la revolucion!
*Also, if this does turn out to be a parody, someone should tell me immediately and relieve my mind.