P. Stump, as a former
scofflaw and fellow CA DMV sufferer, I feel your pain.
But of all of the members of Fall Out Boy who were likely to get arrested, you were totes at the bottom of my list.
However, I would like to point out for the masses that if one were to
get picked up for driving without a valid California driver's license in Beverley Hills, one could certainly do much worse than this entirely classy response:
"All I really have to say is ignorance of the law isn't innocence," Stump told MTV News approximately 90 minutes after he posted bail. "I didn't want to give up my Illinois driver's license and was unaware that was a crime. It is, by the way, in the state of California. Lesson learned. I technically broke a law, so technically I deserve whatever I get. But man, is my mom gonna be pissed."
P. Stump, your mama raised you right.
*c/o James Montgomery of Mtv News.