Lalala Random Tuesday

Apr 14, 2009 22:46

I have nothing exciting to talk about, but I feel like I've been sort of drifting away from posting regularly, so I thought I'd do a bit of a random update.

1) Job Hunting! I am actually working an adequate amount right now. It is exciting. Also, exhausting. I am working very hard at not wanting to throw up every time I have to pitch myself as a freelancer, as I am so bad at selling myself, but it seems to be getting better. Or people are more desperate in this bad economy and thus more willing to hire me. I don't know. I also have a job interview next week. I'm not getting too excited -- it's a place that's had me in before -- but I never thought that the prospect of a Pap smear in my future could be such a thrilling one, as I contemplate the thought of a fulltime job with benefits.

2) Everything Else! My life is sort of boring right now, to be honest, except for the occasional moments of paralyzing anxiety. The fam is doing well, and I don't really have any crazy stories, even. Which is good, I hope, in the long run, but makes for a boring update. On the other hand, I am thrilled at I am having people come to visit me in the sunny state of California -- finally! My archeologist friend will be winging his way from Cyprus the week after my birthday, then my VCF Chris is heading out for a visit (sans adorable daughter, sadly, as she'll be out her for work, primarily, and tacking a visit on), and then the next month, my brother and his wife will be out -- for a wedding in Napa Valley, first, but then here for a short visit, too. Yay! I am thrilled to be able to show off Murdertown and its environs to People What Know Me.

3) Television! I am weeks behind on almost everything! It's disgrceful, really. I did, however, finally watch Southland, and dug it a whole lot. More, actually, than I thought I might. It's a little bit like NYPD Blue, really, more than ER, which is what I was fearing. I loved BMcK as the poor little rich kid cop, and I loved, loved, loved his training officer. Plus, bonus Regina King, Tom Everett Scott and That Kid from That Movie With Jennifer Love Hewitt. Excellent. I also watched -- and liked -- The Unusuals, although I hear it didn't do very well in the ratings. Amber Tamblyn all grown up! It's got kind of a kooky vibe that I dug, however. Also loving Castle, mostly for the charming Nathan Fillion. I think EW sums it up pretty well.

4) Movies! I've seen Adventureland and I Love You Man recently, and both were far, far better than I expected. Adventureland, especially, as miss_begonia pointed out, was pretty much a sweet and unironic indie movie wrapped in a "from the director of Superbad" package. Also, the soundtrack was terrific, and reflected my actual listening experience from that period, which is rare. Also, also, I must confess that I may have owned one or more of the outfits featured during my teen years, up to and including giant plastic earrings. I was a kid! It wasn't my fault.

5) Writing! I am cooking along on my BBB story, although I am currently at the part where I'm pretty sure that it's all going to collapse like a house of cards at any moment. I'm working on some other stuff, too, and enjoying the sensation of writing every day again in a productive way. Now, if I could just get someone -- anyone -- to cooperate and have a little sex in any story I am currently writing, it would be A+.

Speaking of writing -- not that we were, unless you checked under the cut -- I have exciting links to share!

The lovely and talented elzed wrote some complicated, melancholy and quite hot BSG RPS. You should read and comment!

Speaking of RPS, I don't know if you heard, but miss_begonia wrote a book. An actual, amazing book that will be published someday soon, making her someone you have to pay to read. In the meantime, you still have a chance to see what all the hype will be about! She's written a short, spare and entirely gut-wrenching bit of bandom RPS here.

And because I clearly have no shame at all -- but more because the "official" NBC season just ended -- I thought I'd mention for spoilerphobes that I wrote two Friday Night Lights stories for Advent that no longer contain spoilers. Unless you haven't seen the rest of the season yet. One is about freshman quarterback J.D. and the other is about Mindy Colette.

So tell me, my quiet Flist, what's new with all of you?

rl, tv, fnl, jobhunting, movies, recs, the land of oak, reviews

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