Feb 22, 2009 15:49
It's still weird to me that the Oscars are on so early here, but if they were not, perhaps I would not have seen Ryan Seacrest make a giant ass out of himself with the tiniest cast members of Slumdog Millionaire.
Not only did he not even attempt to pronounce their names, but when he tried to interview the littlest one, he absolutely could not understand that the kid did not speak English. As he was told repeatedly by the other little kids in the Slumdog scrum. Whom he ignored as they all rolled their eyes at him, to varying degrees. It was kind of amazing.
I promise not to liveblog the Awards, despite my early babbling. I didn't think that I was that excited about the Oscars this year, but as soon as they start airing the cheesy red-carpet footage, I am all aglow.
Also, speaking of the Oscars, sometimes my mom manages to surprise and amaze me. She called earlier today to say that she and my Dad (note that I come by my movie geekery honestly) saw Milk last night, to close out their Oscar quest, and she was so upset.
She just kept saying, "I can't say I liked this movie. It just upset me too much. I remember when that happened. I remember being so sad. I don't know why people don't understand why everyone deserves to be in love, to be with the person they love. It's very frustrating that people don't understand it."
Whatever my mom's faults, that has always been the truest part of her - since I was a kid, she's always said that love is the most important thing, that no matter what -- gay or straight, race or religion -- everyone should be allowed to be with, and marry, the person they love.
So, for the record, my mom is rooting for Sean Penn tonight.