Don't you love when I get all meta in the face of things?
It means the beginning and the ending, among other things, and tonight was the season premiere of SPN and the season finale of Burn Notice.
What a way to go!
I was going to call this "And we're all too smart to talk to God," but I thought perhaps that would be too spoiler-y (and too bandom-y). :)
I thought that Lazarus Rising was a pretty terrific way to kick off the season. It wrapped up last season's seeming dead-end, and opened a whole new world for the SPN writers to play in. And it did it all in a tight, taut and totally intense hour.
-- I loved Dean's literally clawing his way back to the surface, and the fantastically overexposed light, and the shots of him walking down the road, alone, in his black t-shirt.
-- I loved the way those scenes -- in the garage and all through the first ten minutes or so -- felt like the beginning of a horror movie or a suspense thriller, but in a good way.
-- Dean made Bobby cry! And drink. That made me sad, but I was glad that Dean got to see that someone other than Sammy mourned him. Also, I just love that Bobby is prepared for any contingency.
-- I did not love Dean's "You're the closest thing I had to a father," line. Um, except for your actual father? I think it was just awkwardly worded, though.
-- Sammy, drowning his grief in tiny, brunette girls and pizza. I wonder if Ruby's new meat suit has anything to do with his preferences?
-- I really liked the way that Dean's voice was hoarse through the whole episode. Was it from all the screaming he did in Hell? From the burial? Emotion? It was a neat acting choice.
-- iPod jack! In the Impala! And canonical emo music. Show, ilu.
-- Dean called her "sweetheart." Aw.
-- Ruby's back, but she's not longer Katie Cassidy. Interesting. And apparently, she's been working with Sam all along. Has Sammy ever flat-out just lied to Dean before? Like, for personal gain?
-- The eyes! So gross, and yet cool. That's a really nifty twist on ancient legend.
-- I loved the confrontation in the diner, with Dean and the demon. Even if he can't yet remember Hell (and is that him or the angel?), he's clearly been affected by it.
-- And Sam's been affected by Dean's absence, too. Not just in his secret demon'y badassery, either.
-- I really liked the way they handled the angel. I'd pretty much figured that's what he was going to be by the second scene in the diner, but I like that they went with making him a Biblical angel -- badass, and sort of scary, and not necessarily benign.
-- I'm sure it will come up again, but the emphasis on the fact that Dean is not a conventional guy to be "touched by an angel" -- he doesn't believe, and he can't see/hear the angel in his true form was well done, and -- for this show -- pretty subtle. I'm curious if they'll return to this, and if it will alter if/when Dean's faith starts to grow.
-- Speaking of Dean's faith, I'm so glad that they're returning to this, to the fact that Dean's really got to come up with a reason, besides keeping Sammy safe, to fight on. I know this has the potential to be truly cheesy, but I'm heartened by how they handled it in this ep, and I'm cuious to know more.
-- The little exchange -- "Good things do happen." "Not in my experience." -- between Dean and the Angel just killed me. It was so quiet, and Dean's voice was so broken. And it just summed up Dean's whole worldview.
-- Of course, this is setting up a brother vs. brother battle of epicness, I am sure, but I'm in for the ride.
-- I'm sure there are a million other things I'm missing -- Sammy's Psychic Powers! Dean's Hot Like Burning! AC/DC! Hot Angels of Badassery! -- but that was my first pass through. I'm looking forward to digging out esoteric Catholic school angel facts as the season wends on. :)
As for season enders, Burn Notice had a pretty riproaring one as well! I did not see much of the last quarter of the ep coming. Except, of course, for poor Nate in trouble again. Dude, that kid can't catch a break.
I can't believe we're got to wait until January to find out what Carla and co. are up to! And if Campbell's a part of it. (Okay, probably not, as Fiona is smart--ish enough to have chekced him out, but I AM SUSPICIOUS.)
Oh, show. I didn't even realize how much I'd missed you. Welcome back.
Confidential to
miss_begonia and
emilytheodd, come back to Supernatural, ladies. It misses you. And squeeing is no fun all alone.
Finally, for those of you with access to
The World Cafe on your local PRI or NPR station, a reminder that Panic at the Disco will be on tomorrow. For those of you (sadly, like me), without access, the show is usually up on their website within 24 hours or so.
Okay, I'm going to go try for more than three hours of sleep in a row now. Wish me luck.