[ ooc ] anon benefactor, reveal thyself!

Jan 19, 2008 23:35

S-so I was uploading icons for the upcoming SHOUNEN FAITOOOO and pondering whether or not I should get drunk to prepare for the match with Ash when I suddenly realize that the editpics.bml page was now displaying this beautiful message in bold: Currently uploaded: 14 out of 100. F'realz yo I totally gaped at the screen and wondered if I had gotten really lucky or LJ had somehow screwed this up. But these shiny emails in my inbox tell me that I had just gotten veryveryvery lucky AND I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT COMMENT HERE so I can lavish you with really quite obscene sexual favors and ALL THE PORN YOU WANT.

Comments are screened and I think anon commenting has been enabled for this journal so you can maintain anonymity for claiming your rewards. BUT OMG I LOVE YOU FOREVER. Fic and icons are all I'm good for but I will be your personal KINKMEME baby.


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