Been a LONG time!

Nov 17, 2008 18:26

Damn, this thing is getting a little dusty so I figured I put it to a little use today. Might be the only entry for a very long time again though. Hmmm, where to start. Life is pretty great right now. I have some friends that I know I can count on, I've met an amazing girl that I am crazy about, and school is going great! It's starting to get cold here, so hopefully I'll be back to shredding down the mountains very soon. Haven't been to that many raves lately, the only one I have hit up in the last 2 months was Candyball for halloween, but that one was INCREDIBLE! The music, the vibe, the deco, the costumes, it was all out of this world! I couldn't  have asked for a better halloween party. Classes are getting tough, but I'm trying to rise to the challange. I think I'm doing a pretty good job because I'm one of the top students in all of my classes (I know, such a different Marshall than the one from high school hahahaha). I'm fortunate enough to still be working in the IT department at my college, and while it would be cool to make a little more money, I really couldn't ask for a better job considering the fact I can't even drive. It should still be another year before I graduate though, it's hard to take on too many classes while working as much as possible, but I should be ok to transfer to a good school because my GPA is currently about 3.87 and I don't think it will be dropping much lower than that. There have been a few problems, got aressted a little while back with a DUI and I just got put into a 16 week rehab program because of it, but I'm trying not to let that bring me down. I guess I'm just trying to move my life forward a little more everyday.
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