Feb 03, 2008 03:10
I got complimented twice today, and not just offhandedly.
First was right as I was leaving the building, the captain that is on the night shift told me that since I was smart and good at the job and a good leader, and would I look out for her and tell her if she does anything stupid. I smiled, big, and told her that I'm always good at that with officers. She took the joke.
The second was shortly after I left, a warrant officer that works next to me asked if I had a cigerette. On finding out that I had cloves, she literaly squealed with delight. Then said "Damn, you're smart, smoke cloves, and shave your head. If I wasn't an officer I'd so be hitting on you right now." To wich I replied with 'don't let that stop you'. Then the conversation ended up that she hasn't gotten laid in two and a half years.
So it's been a pretty good day.