Finals Week

Dec 14, 2011 01:27

It's that time of year again! Yeah. Finals week. You know what Finals stands for right??

F = Fuck
I = I
N = Never
A = Actually
L = Learned
S = Shit

haha! It's amazing how much stuff I have forgotten from the beginning of the semester. Oh well, I have faith in myself! Took two already. Seemed to go pretty well. Spanish only took me 15 minutes, so I'm pretty happy about that! Then NURS 241 took about an hour, and i'm imagining that tomorrow will take about another hour, then i'm HOME FREE!!!

Brian, Dad, and Leanna made it here today. That's exciting. Can't wait to see them! I just can't wait for break! I'm gonna go to TWO POP EVIL Concerts! Stoked!!! =] =] =] I hope we get snow tho, cuz I really wanna snowboard with my friends over break. One can only hope!

Okay, well I gotta go to bed and shtuff. Got more studying to do in the morning!

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