May 02, 2010 14:12

Character: Conner Kent/Superboy
Series: DC Comics
Character Age: late teens
Canon: There was a time when the world thought Superman had taken a permanent vacation from life. The solution? Make your own Superman clone! All you needed was a giant test tube, Superman's DNA, a bit of human DNA for stability and it was instant superhero. But Superman pulled a Jesus, came back to life, and took his name back. He dubbed his clone Superboy and adopted him into his big, happy Kryptonian family. Honolulu was Superboy's home base as the babes were in abundance and worked solo until he found his true calling: teen superhero teams! He did the Young Justice stint, then moved to the Teen Titans. He went through mind control, retired from being a superhero, came back only to get killed by his alter-universe self, then pulled a Jesus himself and came back to life. He's now hanging with the Legion of Superheroes.

Personality-wise, Superboy's a mostly normal, jock-type teen who likes video games, skipping class and punching out supervillains. He's also been best buds with Tim Drake/Robin for too long so he's used to letting others do the thinking and letting his fists do the talking. Alliance: Lawful Good. So no kicking puppies or it's a superkick to the rear for you. Having been dead himself, he's got a soft spot for the zombies (probably slips them leftovers under the table). He found out that his human DNA donor was secretly Lex Luthor, making him a clone of the "world's manliest boy scout" and the "world's biggest douchebag," so he's got some serious daddy issues.

Sample Post:

Okay, toucan. You don't mind if I call you Mister T, right? Cool. You can call me Superboy. You've probably heard the name before- whoah, no, no, hold that thought. I don't know what back-end swamp YOU grew up in, T-man. But where I'm from? 'Superboy' is a real respectable superhero name and has NOTHING to do with any male stripper aliases... you sound disappointed. Okay, uh, just gonna go sit on this further away branch now. Right, here.

So. Fighting for truth, justice and the American way! That's the plan I was going for when I signed the dotted line on the superhero contract. Was not expecting Superman to whip out the fine print of: "the S on your chest seems to stand for skipping class so now you're in for some serious time out." That's how I got sent to 'Camp This Will Build Character.' Except for, you know, the part where I don't see how mind-reading-birds-with-huge-peckers are supposed to help me with fixing my character flaws. Are you REALLY a counselor? You don't look very... instructor-like.

And, yeah. Like I said before. I'm a real deal superhero. My costume? C'mon... those are way overrated. I'm starting this casual revolution of jeans and a t-shirt. I already did my time in the tights and spandex, and trust me. You don't wanna know how intense those underwear malfunctions get. Kinda cramps your style when you're kicking ass. And the cape? Try hiding THAT in alter-ego civilian clothes, man. The one time I tried it looked like I was sporting this massive package. Which is cool if you're going for "say hello to my gigantor friend," but that kinda defeats the purpose of being not noticeable. Besides... back then in those costume days? I was kinda following the footsteps of a guy I was never gonna be. Had to learn the hard way the only person worth being is yourself. How's that for a piece of Hallmark card wisdom?

So. There any bad guys in this joint for me to dominate? Zombies? Uh. Don't you have anything more... you know. Not slow and not smelling like massive B.O. type villains? What? Whoah. Hold up, Mister T. A lake-living, bad-touching, giant tentacle monster?

Now we're talking business! And major female populace points.

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