Title: Nikki's Beginning
Author: Outsidethebx
Fandom: Bad Girls
Pairing: Helen/Nikki
Summary: What did Nikki experience directly after her guilty verdict?
Prompt: This is written for Challenge #25-New Beginnings, for
the_pottingshedAN: Beta'd by
bank_farterWord Count: 731
Archiving: Sure
Disclaimer: I have no ownership of Bad girls
Nikki's Beginning )
Glad you liked it and thanks for the feedback. I enjoy hearing what people specifically enjoyed.
My world has totally opened up since entering the world of fan fic too. I don't think I'll ever watch TV the same ever again. It's like I watch now to see where the underlining relationships are, what subtext is present, who I would like to pair up. For instance: The two agents in Numb3rs--David and Colby--so gay. *g*
Femmeslash seems to get ignored, though, and I can't tell if that's because lesbians, while hot, are threatening to straight women because it is something they could actually, physically explore, or if it's just a reflection of how men tend to have the most well-developed characters in shows and we go with them so we have less to do, or if it's just that we're conditioned to telling stories from a male perspective.
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