
Aug 22, 2007 10:40

There is Sirius, and there is Lily.

Both are sitting at a booth, looking over Regulus' notes about the dead body formerly known as Voldemort.

General consensus, at this point, goes like this: "Horcruces. Boo. Do not want."

hermione granger, sirius black, harry potter, lily evans, peter pettigrew

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Comments 49

onlypotter August 22 2007, 14:50:31 UTC
Harry walks up behind them, having just woken up from a nap. He hasn't slept this much in... possibly ever. It's like his body is catching up from years of deprivation.

"Hey..." He grins, because its his mum and his godfather. What could be better? "What are you doing? Studying or something?"


scorching_black August 22 2007, 14:52:09 UTC
"Hello, dear," Lily says, smiling up at him. "Research, sort of."

"It appears," Sirius says, pulling a face, "that Voldemort may have left some things in place to keep his soul around even if his body couldn't be dealt with. Bloody bastard couldn't make it easy for us, could he?"


onlypotter August 22 2007, 14:54:53 UTC
"Oh." Harry frowns and sighs, sitting down next to them and staring at the papers. "Fantastic. Can't say I'm surprised."

"What sort of things?"


scorching_black August 22 2007, 14:57:44 UTC
"Very, very unpleasant things," Sirius says, and pushes some of the papers at him. "You still have him to deal with in your time, yes? Maybe this will help."

Lily doesn't even open her mouth to TRY to protect him. Hell, they have to deal with it at 15, no reason to try to shelter him.


pjpettigrew August 22 2007, 20:17:41 UTC
Enter an extremely tired Healer trainee, looking decidedly the worse for wear. His robes are blood-spattered and are burned, ripped and bitten in countless places. He sinks into a chair near Sirius and Lily, paying no attention to the cup of piping hot tea which just materialised in his hand.

"It would be decidedly easier," he says to no one in particular, "to convince people that werewolves are people too if Fenrir Greyback and his pack would just stop attacking hospitals!"


wisandint August 22 2007, 21:13:29 UTC
"And nobody's bothered threading the walls and such with silver? Honestly..."


pjpettigrew August 22 2007, 21:25:25 UTC
"I don't think we can do that every room in St Mungo's. We have rather a lot of kid patients who've been infected with lycanthropy. But it might work for the doors and the windows. We already have Anti-Apparation charms up."

He glances over at the girl. "Do you think that it has to be the precious metal silver, or would any silver compound do it? Because I think I could whip up a silver compound. Or thirty."


charminglioness August 22 2007, 23:18:15 UTC
"Compound should do it, I'd think," Lily chimes in, looking interested. "As long as the silver component was high enough. Who's Fenrir Greyback?"


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