(no subject)

Jan 27, 2008 15:50

At some point after recent events, River slipped out of the Inn, quiet and mostly unnoticed. She enters now, a glimpse of woods behind her as shuts the door, boots and legs muddy. More than her appearence, her expression gives away the difference between the River here now and the River who left a little while ago. She's detatched, less sane, more dreamy. Still, there's a slight smile on her face as she looks around the Inn.

Sometimes the Inn just dissapears for a while. For Trey, it's been over a year, long enough to make him doubt the reality of the place. For the Inn, it's been four months. But now he's back, and already made himself comfortable -- as comfortable as he ever gets, anyway -- in a chair in a corner somewhere, with a book.

[OOC: Timelining -- River's from midSafe (specifically, at the point where she wandered off in the episode itself). She'll be around from this spot for a couple of days; after that, I'll probably stop bringing her in from different times. At least for the most part.
And Trey's twelve, if anyone was wondering.]

trey, river tam

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