RP: *howls*

Feb 19, 2006 21:03

Date: 19 February 2001
Characters: Harry & Draco
Status: Private
Summary: Harry and Draco dress up
Completion: Complete

They were finally in Italy, the introductions were finally over and people were seemingly at peace with all the other people’s existence. All in all, it wasn’t the terrible start that Harry would have predicted before they left Grimmauld. But now it was late and everyone was retiring or going out or… well, Harry wasn’t sure what everyone else was doing, and he and Draco were turning in.

Turning in wasn’t such a bad thing, thought Harry as he started shedding his clothes and eyeballing the bag of clothes that Draco had packed him. Draco was in the bathroom, primping and changing into his costume. Harry wasn’t much on costumes; sure, he had worn that demon get-up to Theo’s masque, but… dressing as a wolf and. Well. His costume wasn’t that elaborate. Thankfully, he’d gotten to pick it out himself.

He pulled the lightly fuzzy turtleneck out of his bag and looked down at the brownish grey garment. This. This was the part he was going to have a little trouble getting into. He’d bought it smaller than it was (since it was a woman’s garment) and then washed it so it wouldn’t look deformed on his chest. He pulled it on over his head and got it situated, even though it fit tighter than he’d imagined.

Draco had better appreciate this outfit.

The trousers weren’t so bad; jeans that were the exact same shade as his turtleneck. Magic, baby. And boots. Which he’d put on right before they left.

The mask. Harry rather liked the mask. It didn’t show anything on his face save for his bright green eyes, which he’d charmed to have the pupils slit. Maybe a little cattish, but he liked it anyway. The mask gave the illusion of being furry, but wasn’t actually, and made his nose look more like an elongated snout.

But for his favorite part. The fangs. He shook his head and his incisors grew noticeably. He gave himself a once over in the mirror and called, “Are you ready yet?” toward the bathroom where Draco had barricaded himself.

draco, harry

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