[ooc] character information

May 10, 2009 01:00

Copy-pasted from the original application.

Name: Link
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Time Period: After Tetra is revealed to be Princess Zelda; pretty much while he's out and about on the ocean, looking for the pieces of the Triforce of Courage.
Wing Color: White
History: Plot of the game (Wikipedia).
Another version of the events in the game (Zeldapedia).

At the beginning of the game, Link was a lazy and easygoing kid. He also might’ve been a little spoiled, since he protested (made a face) wearing the silly green tunic his grandmother made, even if it was tradition. His world revolved around his family and the island - so the adventure to save his sister was a drastic change to his life. Despite the big step it was, he still displayed a very determined personality. (That courage is one of his strengths and key characteristics.) Although he can be hasty and react before thinking, his willpower usually pulls him through any obstacles.

Even though he spends a long time out at sea and away from home, there are things that just don’t change. He loves his grandmother’s stew. He isn’t afraid of walking up and talking to strangers. He’s good at catching pigs, no matter what island he’s on. There are also traits that were really apparent as he travelled. One of them is the fact that Link is a helpful kid. He pretty much helped out anyone who asked. It didn’t necessarily matter if he was going to get a reward or not - he’s a simple kid who’s willing to lend a hand. He might not really understand the circumstances completely, but that doesn’t deter him at all.

As he goes through more and more hardships, going through mountains and venturing through forests to save people, he begins to mature. He’s definitely experienced more than the average island kid. He’s knocked down large bosses, learned how to use various weapons, and watched others separate from their loved ones in order to fulfill their destinies as sages. By now, he’s learned what his destiny is - and he knows what he has to do. By the time he actually saves his sister, he’s accepted his responsibility. Even though he wanted to stick with her, he left her in order to continue on and to confront the Helmaroc King and Ganondorf. Once he knows she’s safe with the pirates, he continues his quest to bring the Master Sword to full power in order to have a fighting chance against Ganondorf.

Link is also open and innocent in this really childish way. When he kills a boss in the dungeons, he leaps with joy. When he finds good treasure, he’s ecstatic. When he has to drink Chu Jelly, he scrunches his face and chugs it down. When he’s falling, he screams in fright. When he’s sneaking around, it’s in this comical and almost cartoonish fashion. Whatever he’s thinking about shows.


     - Trained in swordplay by the only fighter on Outset Island, Orca.
     - Can use his small size to his advantage, such as dodging and quickly parrying. And parrying A LOT.
     - Knows how to use a shield. (Guarding and reflecting attacks.)
     - Sneaky skills, such as sidling against walls to cross narrow paths, hiding in barrels, crawling through small entrances, and hanging onto ledges.
     - He can lift pots and throw them!
     - He can swim.
     - Very versatile with weapons; he knows how to use a bow & arrow, boomerang, hookshot, and bombs.
     - He can use items to his advantage, such as empty bottles and bait.
     - Basically, he uses items and various weapons to compensate for his small size.

     - He’s very determined, willing to leave the safety of his home and his grandmother in order to save his younger sister against an enemy he doesn’t know anything about. Even when he’s defeated once, he picked himself back up to try again. (In the beginning, he fails to save his sister and is thrown off course by the giant bird [Helmaroc King]. Instead of despairing, he agrees to follow what the King of Red Lions suggests in order to defeat the enemy and get his sister back.)
     - Okay at basic puzzle-solving, but nothing incredibly intricate. (The puzzles in Wind Waker were very simple compared to other Zelda games.)
     - Courageous! One of Link’s characteristics is his courage, which is proven time and time again as he faces monsters more than twice his size.

     - When he’s set on doing something, he’ll do it. There are a lot of times when quests throw a lot of weird situations at him, but it doesn’t make him waver.
     - He’s caring towards others, willing to lend a hand when someone needs help.


     - He’s a twelve year-old kid. This is actually a significant weakness, as he can be overpowered by anyone larger or stronger than him. In the beginning, the Helmaroc King plucks him easily with its beak and tosses him like trash. He didn’t have a chance to defeat the giant bird until he acquired different equipment. Even at the last fight with Ganondorf, he couldn’t dodge the man and was easily struck down. He had a hard time recovering from the blow and was unable to resist as Ganondorf took his Triforce. (I’m not taking Link from the end of the game, however. This is just an example.)
     - He’s short, small (even Zelda’s taller than him), and wasn’t exactly trained to be a warrior from the age of five. If someone attacks with a lot of force, it’s likely he’ll be thrown back.
     - Even though he can swim, he can’t keep it up for too long of a time. He has good speed when swimming, but runs out of energy pretty quickly.

     - This goes back to the fact that he’s still a kid. The problems that he’s had to solve are all fairly simple. He’s not a genius, nor is he an academically skilled at anything. (There’s a school on Windfall Island, but no school on Outset. I’m assuming this means he was pretty much taught reading [since he can read signs and letters] and maybe writing [no real evidence that he can or cannot write, since he doesn’t ever write any letters] but not much else.)
     - He still depends on people to help him out. (The King of Red Lions and Tetra often chime in to give him hints on how to progress.)

     - He wears his heart on his sleeve; you can easily tell exactly what he’s thinking or feeling by the look on his face. He’s never had a reason to hide his emotions or feelings. Other people might be able to read him too well.
     - There are times when his emotions get the better of him and he reacts before thinking. A prime example of this is when his sister was kidnapped. In an effort to chase after her, he neglected to watch where he was going and nearly fell off a cliff.
     - He misses his grandmother and sister. Since leaving, he’s gotten better at being away from them, but they’re still his only family. Reminders of them might make him homesick.

ooc, character information

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