Rules and such:
1. Watch 150 or more movies in 2011.
2. Keep track of how many you watch in a post.
3. Record only first-time movies.
4. Leave entry public for recommendations if anyone has any.
Start: 04/13/11
Rating system;
& sucks, don't bother
&& it's alright, but only if you're bored
&&& pretty decent
&&&& you'll want to buy this
&&&&& make everyone you know go see this immediately
001. Yogi Bear &&&
Cute kids movie.
002. The Bang Bang Club &&&&&
Incredible movie. Everything I hoped it would be. Just as haunting as the book.
003. Easy A &&&
Cute, funny.
004. JAWS 3 &&
What do you expect? I wish more people had died though. Too low of a body count for a JAWS flick.