It literally was my first contact with the outside world yesterday morning.
Which was sad.
It's sad either way you look at it.
Beauty dying.
Enrichments to the soul, perishing.
Constructors of the magical, turning to ash.
Not a white lie, this time, either.
It was sad enough to hear that Kagrra, would disband... them being one of the few bands I met who build a totally different world within the time of one live, paint it beautifully, and leave lasting imprints on your soul.
"At least, at least that voice would live on."
TOKYO: Japanese rocker Isshi, vocalist of popular Japanese rock band Kagrra, has passed away.
According to a statement on Isshi's official website, he was found dead in his home on July 18. [...]"
And his last blog entry was on the same day, 14:51. His last words being "[...] では、残り少ない今日も、皆元鬼をだして生き抜こうっ!!" ... "Let's live to the end" ...
Thank you, beautiful soul.
Let's meet again, in this life or the next, and the next and the next and forever always.
Like we all carry the essence of stars in our selves,
Some of us will carry your existence, until the end of everything.
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陽は昇り沈んで そんな永遠に僕は涙する
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誰しもが抱えた 誕生も終焉もまた 哀しみを訴える
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願いは貴方に降り注ぐ そっと悲しみを越えて
いつか再び出会えると 泣いていた貴方の横顔を想うよ
I cannot say I haven't cried.
I cannot say I am not crying.
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運命は 今 時を越えて
溢れ出す想いは 止めど無く流れ
May you find peace.
Thank you for you.
Thank you for having existed at the same time as I.