Curious-er and curious-er...

Jul 18, 2005 09:43

So it's been a while since I've updated...

This is primarily because I haven't really had anything of substance to say.

Got offered a job for next year. Signed the contract this morning. Middle school theatre? Nope. High school? Nope. Theatre anything? Ha.

5th/6th grade music and choir. Because I'm somehow qualified to teach that...

God help us all.

I'm still looking for theatre teaching jobs. If I find one, I can resign from my contract by honestly saying that I don't feel I'm qualified to teach that.

Worst case scenario: I get emergency-certified for elementary level, and essentially do my first year of teaching all over again in a subject in which I have what could only be labeled as "passable" knowledge.

(God, who were they interviewing that I was the best candidate they found for this job?!)

I'm a big believer that the important things in our lives don't just happen, everything happens for a reason. So, if it ends up that, come August 10th, Tannahill Intermediate's new music teacher is teaching her first-ever Choir class, then so be it. There must be something I'm meant to learn, some reason I'm meant to be there. I'll start voice and piano lessons again. I'll throw myself at the feet of every music teacher I know. I will be strong. I will survive. I'm being optimistic.

...But optimism is not going to stop me from tracking down the school in Grand Prairie that's hiring, and driving out there this afternoon to introduce myself. *shrug*

Oh my. My, what a lovely tea party. (<--for Daniel)

(In other, unrelated news, I've bought and finished the 6th Harry Potter book. A lot of people are pissed off and/or disappointed about it, I suppose because the story took turns to places they didn't think it ought to go, but I think it's Rowling's best work to date. I loved it. And my mom has since stolen my copy to read. Ha.)

EDIT: I've since checked the GPISD website, and the theatre opening has been taken down. The position has been filled. Well, crap-a-doodle-doo...
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