Here are the pictures from the trip
randonb and I took last week to Sonoma County. You can see some words (though not very detailed) about it
Lake Sonoma
Facing opposite direction looking at the hills of Sonoma County
Dunno who this guy is ... *hehe*
Closer view (i like the vineyard in the midst of trees)
Common theme
On Skaggs Rd. there was this spot that had a bunch of stuff dumped there.
Old motorcycle frame and what not
Barn (sonoma county has buttloads of these), sadly I was combating with very extreme sunlight so ...
I really wish this had been in focus.
I <3 redwoods
Hey look, people pictures. :p
Stewarts Pt. on Hwy 1
krikey! (i have no idea how to spell that)
Looking right
Looking left
We stopped at
Fort Ross. This was sort of interesting for me because the only other time I've been there was when Brehn was like 3 or so ... and I have really vivid memories from then. One thing I have to say is bring food w/you because if you end up hungry while you are there ... you are screwed.
I like the abstractness
The ocean was very very blue and vivid this day.
It was also QUITE windy.
Another one of those "damn i wish this had not been blurry" type shots
Brandon took a bunch of pictures also (his camera likes me more than mine does, so his camera does not make me look so scary). I'll link to his post when he posts his.