
Mar 01, 2005 18:29

I like how I wrote this long ass entry today while I was at drama rehersal and then I clicked the update button and the shyt didnt even save!...Just another thing to add to the LIST of things that piss me off

...I'll try to remember what it said.

Joy didn't come to school today, but she came to freakin rehersal AFTER school! WTF! I'm incomplete without Joy during a regular school day. I look so forward to seeing her every morning. Not only her, but everyone that I hang out with. I don't come to school for school. I come to school to see my friends. Education comes second.

I just realized how much of a DORK Tony is! LoL! LOUD, OBNOXIOUS laugh. LoL... one of the many reasons why I love tony though.

Colleen is the cutest thing ever! AWW Her little blonde pony tail and her little cute laugh.
0o0... ----> Colleen wants Tony.. and Tony totally knows it too!!

Tony and Colleen sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage. hahaha

WHOA! Patrick is sexy! Why the heck is he only a sophomore. That is just wrong... wrong on so many levels! Patrick has a really nice butt too!

Logan... is the best! I love him. He could be having such a bad day.. or I could be having such a bad day and he is still nice to me!:).. "to whom it may concern, Logan is MY favorite"

Ashlie, man o man... sucha flippin dork. I'm gunna try a little something out.. just for her. I'm not gunna curse anymore (this week)... atleast I'll try!

Ya know what really sucks? There was something else that I had in my other journal entry and I just can't figure it out.. and it is seriously going to piss me off!

These damn people have to rythm at rehersal... I think that I am gunna go try to help...

Oh, man, I remember what it was that I had in the other entry.

I flippin hate Ms. Brownly! AHH Shes a flippin B-otch. She gets all pissy because I didn't drop what I was doing to find her masking tape. Well guess what BITCH the world doesn't revolve around you woman and plus, we flippin ran out of masking tape earlier today... hahaha

Ok, for real, I'm gunna go now

peace out
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