Aug 29, 2008 01:55


I have a few thoughts on happenings tonight... but first, a meme I stole from walkwiththedead. I think I might've done this one way back when, but it's still fun. :O

Go to Wikipedia and click 'random article.' The first one you get is your band name, the second is your album name, and then you do that 15 more times, and those are your track names.

Band: South Arm
Album: Campfire Songs

1.) Hosic Report
2.) Vrigne-aux-Bois
3.) Ulmus Minor
4.) Capertree
5.) All Things Set Aside
6.) The Hook
7.) General Scarabeth
8.) Henry Wise Wood
9.) Miramont-de-Quercy
10.) Operation Regenbogen
11.) The Frasers Of Philorth
12.) Claude Couinaud
13.) Macchi M.7
14.) The Hurds
15.) Witching Hour

Sounds like some indy album. o_O


As for Obama's speech earlier tonight(last night now, I guess)... honestly, I'm getting a little tired of the rhetoric. He keeps talking about these great things he's planning on doing, while neglecting to explain HOW he's going to do it. He has all these grand plans, but he always seems to leave out the HOW in getting these things done.

Obama: "If I am elected, then we shall be free of dependence on foreign oil within ten years!"

How? HOW? At least McCain actually has a plan for giving us some breathing room, regardless of how popular the concept of off-shore drilling is(or isn't). An unpopular plan is better than NO plan.

Obama: "You can't tell me we can't respect the 2nd Amendment while at the same time keeping AK-47's out of the hands of criminals!"

Yes I can. Why? Because CRIMINALS. AREN'T. USING. AK-47'S. Weapons like the AK and M16(as in, 'scary-looking guns the Democrats want to ban') are used in an unbelievably TINY percentage of crimes. The whole 'assault weapons shooting up the streets' idea is a total myth. So if you're taking them from ANYONE, you're going to end up taking them from law-abiding citizens, while making no impact on crime.

Honestly, the whole final day of the DNC kind of put me in a bad mood. I could do without the constant close-ups of women weeping while clasping their hands almost in prayer while Obama was speaking, CNN. That got old fast.

I think not enough media outlets are willing to play hardball with the guy. Nobody brings up the fact that while he complains about Bush's energy policy... when it came up on Capitol Hill, McCain spoke out and voted against it... while Obama voted FOR it.

Then Obama tried the whole 'McCain and Bush = SAME PERSON' argument, by mentioning that McCain has voted with Bush on 90-something percent of things that come up. But the problem is that the vast majority of voting done on Capitol Hill is for intensely mundane and inconsequential legislation. Only maybe 3% of the crap they vote on counts among issues that make headlines. So he tries to make McCain sound like some Bush lapdog when in reality, most Senators; Dems AND GOP... vote in the same way.

I dunno. Like I said, I'm not too pleased with either candidate, but I am getting really sick of OMG OBAMA-MANIA!



politics, memes, music, i will frost those cupcakes with my hate, random gripes

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