Rik Rankin Answers 20 Questions by Erin Conrad

Jan 05, 2016 10:43

I can't help it. I'm mildly in love with Rik Rankin. Kind of like I am with Sam. Of course, this is in a fangirl kind of way not an actual in love kind of way. Still it is really hard not to like Rik.

I stumbled upon Erin Conrad's interview of our Roger:
Q Which was more exciting for you this year… Fallout 4 release, or getting cast as Roger?
A That’s a difficult question. It’s a close call but I’d say being cast as Roger.

Q Did Outlander_Starz have to beg you to become Roger or were you already into the idea? Fans wanted it for a long time.
A No, I believe I bribed them, particularly @TallShipsProds (Maril Davis) with Ferrero Rocher to get the part.
A (Maril) This is true. No chocolate = no part.

Q How many of Diana’s books have you read so far?
A I’ve just started reading Voyager.

Q How about.. are you prepared for the overwhelming support of the Outlander fan family?
A The overwhelming support seems to be accompanied by overwhelming love! So… Yes. Bring it.

[Read More Q & A]Q Any thoughts or plans on singing or recording more musical numbers?
A I might consider it at 30K. :)

Q Do you like to sing? How confident are you of your singing? Favorite musical artist?
A Yes, I do actually enjoy singing and am quite confident in bringing it to the part, should it be required.

Q If I spent one day in Edinburgh what one thing must I do?
A Visit Glasgow.

Q Have you met Diana yet?
A No, I haven’t had this pleasure yet but very much looking forward to it.

Q Had you read or watched Outlander before auditioning?
A I had read up on the production and well as following it/watching it through the casting process, yes.

Q Are you looking forward to learning Gaelic?
A What makes you think I don’t already know Gaelic?

Q What’s your favorite biscuit/sweet?
A Probably chocolate hobnobs.

Q Were you familiar with the Outlander books before your audition?
A Yes, I was very familiar with the books and production by that point.

Q I should be at the gym instead of tweeting you. Would you please tell me to stop tweeting and get going?

Q Do you play the bodhran?
A Not yet but I’m (no) stranger to percussion.

Q Are you excited about the future work with old Scottish sons and maybe with Bear McCreary?
A I’m genuinely excited about most aspects of joining the Outlander family.

Q What is the worst joke you’ve heard/told?
A What’s white and swings through the jungle? Tarzan the Fridge.

Q Are you excited in starting Outlander?
A Yes. Very much so.

Q Favorite hobbies?
A Games, reading, horse riding, to name a few.

Q What unreleased game are you looking forward to?
A I still have a huge back catalog I haven’t even started yet!

Q What will be your most challenging part of being Roger?
A Delivering a character that does both the writing and the fans justice.

Q I can’t believe (you) didn’t answer my Brianna casting question.
A Yeah you can. You can totally believe it.

Q How do you feel about your new fandom as “Roger Mackenzie/Rankin”?
A Loving the Fandom.

Tell me he hasn't won you over? Oh and I started watching The Crimson Field which Rik is in. Really good. So sad it only had a season.

interviews, cast, cast: richard rankin

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