Aug 11, 2006 01:52
jesus the ubermensch? - doubt this will be too much of a spoiler, but if you're paranoid about movies being ruined, then read no more. anyone notice the intense jesus allusions in superman returns? it's actually almost impossible not to notice..."does the world need a saviour?" the film muses early on...then to superman hearing "everything" - and him answering the call, those prayers, being the saviour people require...then, of course...his final deed of the movie *real spoiler warning* - him heaving that massive island from the ocean, kryptonite and all, altruistically sacrificing his life for no good humans...still not convinced? recall that when he tumbles down to earth after he heaves that behemoth of a continent into space that he holds the "crucified on the cross" position for quite a while...or is it all in my head?
not a good movie, but not a bad one either...drags on like most hollywood productions these days, though not as brutal as King Kong...King Kong was freakin' long, unnecessarily long...
tons of plot holes in superman returns - but the quick retort for the diehard fan of this movie is that it's "based on a freakin' comic book for cryin' out loud..." my response? a plot hole is still a plot hole...
i like the cape work...looks better than the batman cape work...cape work is vital...the cape work in the spawn movie was lame, and the cape is so vital to spawn...
phuck, i'm a nerd.