Who: Azkadellia, Eliza and Jeb
What: Nappage
When: February Eighth, 9:30 pm
Where: Azkadellia's rooms.
The decision had been reached to keep the information about the baby to themselves for a little while, at least for a few days, just until they were able to get used to the news themselves. Neither of them had been expecting that, and announcing it to both his and her family (although that line was a bit muddled now) seemed to be not something they were quite ready for. Yes, Az realized that was odd.
Jeb was off at the Range, working on his aim, last she had heard. And Az was reading over one of the odd romance novels she had found in the Library before, enjoying the mental junk food. Karma's head lying on her lap, being stroked silently.
It was not even late, yet the Princess was already feeling the effects of lethargy. She set the book down, making sure her place was properly marked. A quick change of clothing, to at least pull off the corseted gown and slip into a simpler shift. Rather than getting underneath the covers when she headed over to the bed, however, she instead crawled up to lie down on top of the blankets. Az had nearly fallen asleep, Karma hopping up on the end of the large bed, when she heard the door open.
She propped herself up enough to smile at the 'intruder.' "Shouldn't you be in bed?"