(no subject)

Aug 14, 2008 12:41

Who: Kat, Morgan, Cain... everyone else trying to catch a little puppy and kitty, running through the castle.
When: February 1st, 11:45
Where: random hallway
What: Kat meets Morgan. Then holds him rather close.

After telling Jeb that his fiancee was back, Kat started off back in the direction of the kitchen. She probably shouldn't have left Eliza there in the first place, but when she heard one of the guards mention things getting busier in the kitchen again now that Az had returned, she had to run off and tell Jeb. Who knew when he'd find out all on his own anyway... Besides, Eliza was quite comfortable helping one of the younger girls make cookies. It would keep her busy for a little while longer.

What she certainly had not expected to see on her way around the corner was a small, fluffy kitten charging down the hall away from an equally-small and equally-fluffy puppy. There was something really odd about both animals, but she hardly had time to think about it. That puppy's teeth looked sharp, and no doubt, it was only natural instinct that made him chase the kitty.

She couldn't help but kneel down, hoping the kitty would realize her arms were a safer place than the floor. Either way, it would give her a chance to catch one of the small animals. Couldn't have cute, furry critters hurting each other around the palace, could they?

"C'mere, little kitty," she called out softly, hoping it would somehow understand.

cain, eliza, 02/01, dave, glitch, karma, katra, morgan

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