Jun 18, 2008 18:50
Who: Andromache & Zero
When: January 23rd, 3 PM.
Where: Zero's Globe.
What: Scaring the prisoner.
Especially if you were a prisoner and you knew that there were several dozen people at least, nearby, who wanted to kill you. Zero had himself in quite the predicament, and it was very amusing to her. So amusing that she decided to mess with him a little bit. He didn't like to talk very much, but at the same time he didn't really like complete silence either, not in this situation. Where he knew that she was a hired killer, an immortal, and she could get into his globe. Add two and two together and pretty much anyone would be concerned if a silent Andromache just appeared. Slipping into the room where the globe was held, she uttered the incantation and with a sharp crack inside of the globe she entered, her eyes flickering about until they landed on the figure of Zero.
Let the fun begin.