Jun 13, 2008 14:53
Who: DG & Open
Where: Gardens
What: DG escapes to draw
When: January 23nd, 7 AM.
So if anyone honestly expected her to stay in her bed she'd call them crazy. She'd spent several days in a coma, and then another day in the damned infirmary so they could 'watch her', and now she was out and dear God she'd never loved the outdoors more. Even though she was sure she hadn't 'ditched' her guards, she very well could have, she could be sneaky. Not that she'd gone far, just off to the edges of the garden maze with pencils and her sketch book tucked under one of her hands. Setting up a couple of chairs, one to sit in and one as a foot rest, she adjusted herself comfortably, only puffing out air when she rubbed a sore spot. With her knees pulled up to rest the book on, her vision of anyone coming from the castle doors was pretty limited, but she could see directly in front of her, where three flowers were positioned perfectly to be drawn, and a bird who was apparently decorating them with twigs. It was funny.