Jan 26, 2014 13:01
I am now seriously considering removing myself from the dating world totally, and pursuing adoption.
I did have a goal in mind of waiting until I was 35, and if I didn't have a wife that I could settle down with, I would adopt...because my next major life-changing goal is to be a father, which is what I want to be. Initially, I didn't care about how; whether it was going to be a step-father, adoptive, or biological, I just wanted to be a father to 1-2 children.
But...considering my last 2 dates this week, one I cared too much about, the other blowing me off entirely for reasons unknown (typical...), its become clear to me that I will never "fit the mold" of what women want!
My belief's are further reinforced by an opinionated book I found when last I was in Omaha, NE. The book is called UNDATEABLE [ISBN# 978-0-345-52067-8]: 311 things guys do that guarantee they won't be dating or having sex, written by Ellen Rakieten & Anne Coyle, (women authors...typical). The book is divided into 3 parts; What not to Wear, What not to Say, and What not to Do.
What Not to Wear
The chapter raised some interesting points that truly are tacky, (even for me), like socks with sandals, man-purses, excessive body hair, speedos, and over-cologned. However, it appears the only acceptable dress for a man is medium to dark blue Levi jeans, flat-front dress pants, Polos, Flat Front Cotton Khaki Shorts, Boxers or cotton boxer briefs, and loafers. No T-Shirts (printed or plain), no boots, no outrageous belt buckles, no chain wallets, no tube socks, no bandanas, no facial hair!
What Not to Say
A list of phrases of what not to say to a women. I particularly found the nicknames of going to the bathroom interesting. What's wrong with the expression "going to the head". Its a navy term, shouldn't that be a cue to women about someone's history and interests?!
What Not to Do
A list of things that men are not allowed to do in pursuit of self-interests and hobbies, like attend sci-fi / fantasy conventions and sporting events. No playing video games, or any RPG game like Dungeons & Dragons, have an excessively dirty car, having man-boobs, order girly drinks, owning a cat, mini-dog, scary dog, rodent, or reptile, sissy driving, being lactose-intolerant, attending Medieval Times or going to a medieval festival, and having bedsheets that is any color or fabric other than white 200-thread count Egyptian cotton.
In short, according to the book, women will only date and have sex with a manikin that they can mold into their dream date. Any living, breathing man on earth is not allowed to have any personal character, hobbies, or interests. Which to me is a load of total female chauvinistic bull-shit! No man fits this description, so no man will have sex with a woman, and just like in the case of nuclear war with mutually-assured destruction, both parties lose!
I'm going to take my frustrations out on my punching bag! I am so pissed at what I see as shallowness among women, that I will never find someone to marry, and therefore, never be happy, because I will never have companionship.