Something of a week

Aug 06, 2021 19:33

Never mentioned, in my agitato post on Monday, that the day had begun with turning on my phone to discover a text telling me I had a voicemail as of first thing from my sister -
- this in fact turned out to be a blip by her phone and there was no family crisis.
The solution I thought I had attained to logging in to old workplace email turned out to involve Weirdnesses when I tried the next time to log in (siiiggghhh): but before I got embroiled in lengthy negotiation with IT support, I thought I'd just try that thing of trying the reset in a different browser, a trick I have found to work for other similar difficulties, and believe it or not, This One Simple Trick actually did the trick, and I have managed to log in on consecutive days without undue bother.
I have had two invitations to non-virtual events - while I appreciate The Thought, I am not so close to either of the people involved that I feel enormous obligation to Try And Make An Effort, Summon Up The Blood, and get on public transport to go out and meet people.
Had an email from somebody wanting A Chat with me about topic within one of my areas of expertise - I am a bit peeved that having said yes in principle, these are times that would suit, they have not yet got back.
There was a massive if somewhat niche hoohah on Twitter during the week when the American Historical Association sent a letter to the National Archives demonstrating a significant insensitivity in reading the room of this present historical moment and understanding the kind of pressure people in libraries and archives have been under. You can only push archivists so far, and it was magnificent. Who keeps the records: WE keep the records! Also provided some very useful links for my website that I hadn't previously encountered.

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email, social events, twitters, weirdness, life, peeve, internet, academic, rl meetings, archives, technology, historians

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