There were 2 damaged items in today's grocery order (Ocado/M&S) and you know what? they have a really nifty 'Request Refund' system where you can go to the actual order and tick the item and there is a drop-down menu of issues for which one might request a refund -
Boom! Done! Confirmation email received!
- and I think of the absolute run-around I had with Sainsburys the other week just trying to find out how to contact them - it ended up being by Facebook Messenger, WTF, they do not have a place on their website or an email address, what is this that this thing even is?
I will not go in to the details of the ongoing saga of hoops I am still having to jump through on the credit card thing, when literally the one single thing I wanted/needed to do was add my current mobile number to the contacts they have for me, which had not been updated since Time Immemorial. But no: it is having to put an app on one's phone, and create a whole swathe of special passwords and answers to security questions and memorable things, with, of course, all sorts of constraints. And they send a Speshul Sekkrit Code by snailmail for one to create a Security Key.
Thinking of breaking into Fort Knox - or the Bank of England - as probably a good deal less hassle.
This is the All More Complicated that I am not there for.
Hums 'Tis a Gift to Be Simple'...
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