Well, that was one problem clarified...

May 07, 2021 13:46

Re the password shenanigans, it turned out that if you reset your password, the system will not let you change it - even if it suddenly decides it doesn't like your shiny new password - for five days. At no point in the attempt to change the password does it say, come back in 5 days time. However, after toing and froing and actually speaking on the phone, o the horror, with IT support, I now have a temporary password and access to my email once more.
In the realm of problems, as I idly scanned the advice columns over my coffee:
Did anyone else think that LW no 3 here was actually being set up for recruitment to some sinister Sekkritt Organisation (maybe the Illuminati): The caller (a different person than my interviewer) sounded very surprised and told me that I had misunderstood, that they had to ask those questions but they weren’t relevant for the role, and that they would explain better in the next interview.
*Ominous music*
On the same principle that you should not have a pet if you do not have the wherewithal to look after and house it, I really think that unless you are a really strict and particular Mendicant Order, you should not be appointing pastors if you don't have parsonages or suitable equivalent for them to live in, or at least a stipend sufficient to cover accommodation costs, thus forcing them to mooch off friends: He’s a pastor and has spent the last couple of years getting bounced around to various small churches, some of which have parsonages, but many of which don’t.
He's using tactics which suggest he's taking The Parable of the Importunate Widow and the Unjust Judge as his template, or maybe the Camel's Nose procedure. First it was 'board pet, stay the odd weekend' with LW and sibling in their small place; now it's 'every weekend, no definite end date'. One can, lo, prophesy, where this is going, especially as LW's family think this noxious-sounding person ('He’s not the best houseguest, he is very particular about food, and he has a strong body odor that doesn’t seem to be helped by normal hygiene': honestly, Mr Collins is looking better every second, no?) is prime mattermonyal material, and he is clearly expecting her to solve problems which are, I depose, up to the hierarchy of the institution which ordained him.

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aaaargh, tropes, email, advice, agony aunts, internet, religion, exploitation

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