Apparently, '#dogging' was trending on UK Twitter yestere'en.
This was because, allegedly, the new lockdown rules being invoked for London, Tier 2, imply that couples who do not reside under the same roof, may not have visits for ye conjugalz indoors.
At which inventive minds immediately turned to
dogging, even though the season is hardly, um, seasonable for it.
And, okay, there are other and more serious and pressing matters in the world, but as other and greater minds than mine have pointed out, we are all capable of having more than one thing on our minds at the same time, and just because we take a moment out to make a joke about X or be bothered about slightly trival matter Y, doesn't mean we aren't seriously and passionately engaged over issue Z.
Furthermore, I thought this was precisely the sort of thing one would see in any drama that was invoking the Blitz spirit: that in the midst of bearing stretchers, firewatching, clearing away rubble, driving ambulances, putting up the blackout, shepherding people into the shelters - a character that I envisage as probably played by Stanley Holloway would be relieving the tension by making a joke - though possibly not actually around dogging, I do admit. And that this would be absolutely about the great British spirit of resilience in adversity -
Than which there could be few more remarkable manifestations than bonking al fresco as autumn draws on.
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