- and it holds annual conferences.
Because, my dearios, imagine my shuddering horror when I glanced down a list of forthcoming conferences and discovered that not only was there one impending on - wait for it - should I put in a Content Warning? -
Norman Mailer
- and that it was the 17th of that ilk.
There is, indeed, dr rdrz, I am sorry to say, a
Norman Mailer Society.
Among the things it discusses is the reputation of that late writer.
Who, you know, even as A Man Of His Day was considered a bit extreme and out there as A Bad Boy, with the stabbing of his wife and the novel in which wife-murder was posited as an act of existential heroism.
I will confess, that in a world with so many books to read, I have not, since an adolescent attempt to get through The Naked and the Dead - and even in those days, when I would read just about anything, I bogged down - ventured upon Mr Mailer's works (though I think I have encountered extracts in ? works by Mary Ellmann? Kate Millett?).
Perchance this is weak and womanly in me. Or perhaps it is a sound decision.
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