What I read
Finished Picturing the Closet, which is the sort of study I am, well, it's very good of the sort of thing it is, but it doesn't have me jumping up and down with wild enthusiasm?
On the Project Revisit My Crime Fiction Collection, I pulled out Gini Hartzmark, Principal Defense (1992), and these, I think, are keepers. I have got to like a protag who is a high-powered lawyer (in corporate not criminal law) and who when she finds herself embroiled in matters involving mayhem and death, doesn't stamp her tiny foot and toss her pretty little head and set about solving it all herself but hires a competent PI to assist her enquiries. Went pretty much straight on to Final Option (1994) and Bitter Business (1995), and there is interesting UST developing with the PI even though there is another relationship in the picture and lingering emotional fallout from Kate having been widowed shortly after marriage. Also Bechdel-passes all over the place, in spite of her toxicly masculine workplace.
I discovered quite by chance - there's been a bit of buzz over a new edition - that I actually had a Project Gutenberg version of Rose Macaulay's 1918 dystopian satire, What Not: A Prophetic Comedy, on my e-reader. And lo, it was good.
I saw various recommendations of Elin Gregory, The Eleventh Hour (2016), 1920s spy-thriller/m-m romance which didn't, alas, quite pull off the promise of the premise for me.
On the go
Gini Hartzmark, Fatal Reaction (1998)
Up next
Well, Zen Cho's The True Queen allegedly drops tomorrow. Plus, there are still 2 more Hartzmarks to go.
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